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WA3S3-A05BP Bard 3.0 Ton / 2.0 Ton Dual Stage Wall Mount AC | 15eer | 230/1 | 5kW Heat

Your Price: $9,485.42
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Part Number:WA3S3-A05BP

The Bard WA/L “S” Series is the world’s most energy efficient wall mounted air conditioner featuring a multi-step capacity compressor with environmentally friendly non-ozone depleting refrigerant. The Bard Wall-Mount Air Conditioner is a self contained energy efficient system, which is designed to offer maximum indoor comfort at a minimal cost without using valuable indoor floor space or outside ground space. This unit is the ideal product for versatile applications such as: new construction, modular offices, school modernization, telecommunication structures, portable structures or correctional facilities. Factory or field installed accessories are available to meet specific job requirements.


Multi-Capacity Two-Stage:

Simple thermostatic control seamlessly stages the compressor and indoor airflow rate between high and low capacity operations without cycling the compressor. This helps to maximize comfort, humidity control, energy efficiency and overall reduction in compressor cycling for improved system life.

 Multi-Step Capacity Compressor:

Copeland step-capacity scroll compressors are designed for increased efficiency, quieter operation and improved reliability for longer life.

 R-410A Refrigerant:

Designed with R-410A (HFC) non-ozone depleting refrigerant in compliance with the Montreal protocol and 2010 EPA requirements.

 ECM Indoor Blower Motor:

Features a variable speed motor providing super-high efficiency, low sound levels and soft-start capabilities. The motor is self-adjusting to provide the proper airflow rate for the staged capacity, and for higher static pressure in ducted installations without user adjustment or wiring changes.

 Aluminum Finned Copper Coils:

Grooved tubing and enhanced louvered fin for maximum heat transfer and energy efficiency.

 Twin Blowers:

Move air quietly. All models feature variable speed blower motors providing automatic airflow adjustment for high static or free blow (non-ducted) operation at a very low sound level. Motor overload protection is standard on all models.

 Foil Faced Insulation:

Standard on all units.

 Start Kit:

A PTCR compressor start assist (Positive Temperature Coefficient Resistor) is standard on all -A single-phase models to increase system reliability. This helps to insure compressor starts at adverse conditions by increasing the compressor starting torque.

 Compressor Control Module:

Built-in off-delay timer adjustable from 30 seconds to 5 minutes. 2-minute on-delay if power interrupt. 120-second bypass for low pressure control, and both soft and manual lockouts for high and low pressure controls.

 Alarm output for alarm relay.

Liquid Line Filter Drier:

Standard on all units. Protects system against moisture.

 High & Low Pressure Switches are Auto-Reset:

Standard on all units. Built-in lock-out circuit resets from the room thermostat. Provides commercial quality protection to the compressor.


Engineered Features


Integrated Part Load Value (IPLV) Efficiency Up To 15.3 BTU/WATT

Crankcase Heaters:

Factory installed crankcase heaters are standard on all models. This helps to insure ease of start at low temperatures and improves compressor life.

 Phase Rotation Monitor:

Standard on all 3 phase scroll compressors. Protects against reverse rotation if power supply is not properly connected.

 Galvanized 20 Gauge Zinc Coated Steel Cabinet:

Cleaned, rinsed, sealed and dried before the polyurethane primer is applied. The cabinet is handsomely finished with a baked on textured enamel, which allows it to withstand 1000 hours of salt spray tests per ASTM B117-03. Galvanized 16 Gauge Zinc Coated

Unit Base:

The unit base is treated with the same paint coatings as the cabinet above, insuring years of service without visible corrosion.

 Drain Pan:

The evaporator drain pan is constructed of stainless steel material for maximum corrosion resistance.

 Electrical Components:

Are easily accessible for routine inspection and maintenance through a right side, service panel opening. Features a lockable, hinged access cover to the circuit breaker or toggle disconnect switch.

 Electric Heat Strips:

Features line break automatic limit and dual backup safety controls. Heater packages can be factory or field installed for all models.

 Filter Service Door:

Separate service door provides easy access for filter change.

Two-Inch, Pleated Disposable Air Filters:

Are standard equipment.

 Condenser Fan and Motor Shroud Assembly:

Slides out for easy access.

 Circuit Breakers/Rotary Disconnect:

Standard on all versions of single (230/208 volt) and three phase (230/208 volt) equipment. Rotary disconnects are standard on all versions of three phase (460 volt) equipment.

 Slope Top:

Standard feature for water run-off.

Full Length Mounting Brackets:

Built into cabinet for improved appearance and easy installation.

NOTE: Bottom mounting bracket included to assist in installation.

 Top Rain Flashing:

Standard feature on all models

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