- 80% thermal efficiency, maximizing seasonal efficiency through the use of a collector box and the power exhauster
- The unit can be vented vertically or horizontally
- A 100% shut-off, intermittent
pilot-ignition system with continuous retry, at no extra charge. This
ignition system allows for all PDP/BDP units to be field-converted to
propane, if desired
- A safety pressure-switch to assure safe venting conditions
- Designed to utilize the smallest-diameter vent pipe possible
- "Wing" screws so that the bottom pan can be dropped without a screwdriver or nut driver
- Optional finger-proof fan guard for operation at low mounting heights
BtuH Input: 250,000; BtuH Output: 200,000; Heat
Throw: 67'; Flue Size: 6"; Width: 25-5/8"; Height: 40-1/4"; Depth:
34-3/4"; Wt. Lbs.: 239;