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Hi-Velocity 3.5-5.0 Ton Cooling Coil Module

Your Price: $1,225.59
Retail Price:$1,825.60
You Save:$600.01(33%)
In Stock.
Part Number:RCM-100
Unique Cooling Module Technology
RCM TX Cooling Modules c/w 410A TXV

The Refrigerant Cooling Module (RCM) comes complete with thermal expansion valve, site glass, two access ports and a freeze stat, to be installed at the fan coil.

RCM Coil Modules come with drain pan, freeze stat, site glass, two Schrader valves and expansion valve in R-410A,  2 L shaped backets for mounting, and 2 - 7/8” FIP drain pan connections (primary/secondary).  Expansion valves are heat pump ready with a built in check valve.

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