ESP Hi-Velocity 2.5 to 3 Ton 110 Volt Blower Module with Hot Water Heat Coils and 2-Zones
(2) 8" Collars For Hooking zone plenums to
Has hot water heat coil installed for use with a boiler/tankless water heater
The Zoning Add-On package includes pre-wired zone panel and 2, 3 or 4 collars, each w/ power open/close dampers and actuators pre-installed on our HE-Z fan coils. As stated by NRCan*, zoning can reduce energy consumption up to 50% with increased comfort.
While some households are satisfied with a single zoned HVAC system, others struggle to find a way to balance out the uneven temperatures in their homes. The HE-Z Zoning fan coil can solve this problem by allowing the homeowner to customize different areas of their home to a comfortable temperature that suits their needs.
Comes complete with Pre-Installed Zone Panel, Power Open/Close Dampers and Actuators
Save time and money on field installation and materials
Compatible with standard third party thermostats and smart thermostats
HE-Z variable speed controls eliminate dump zones and minimize power draws
Easy maintenance with all components in one accessible location
Eliminate unsightly wiring and external controls