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Comfort-Aire - HWW060B1C01CFC - 5.0 Ton - Water-to-Water Geothermal Heat Pump (new model is HEW060A1D01BFB)

Your Price: $11,046.04
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Part Number:HEW060A1D01BFB

New Model is HEW060A1D01BFB

These flexible systems, available in 3, 5, and 10 ton models, have a wide range of HVAC and industrial applications, and are especially suited to radiant floor installations. They’re capable of ground water, ground loop and water loop applications and provide even comfort year ‘round.

As with all geothermal models, they offer the benefits of super high efficiency with low operating costs. Flexibility is a hallmark of geothermal units. As reverse cycle heat pumps, they can provide both hot and chilled water, as well as domestic hot water, all from a single compact unit. Because the HWW units are so compact, they can be installed virtually anywhere indoors.

With no outdoor fan, special mounting systems and 1/2" dual density acoustic type fiberglass cabinet insulation, operation is exceptionally quiet. The units also add a measure of safety as there is no flame, no flue and no odors with which to contend. A system performance monitor signals when it’s time for the filter to be changed and also if the system is not running at peak performance. Units come pre-charged with R-410A.


Microprocessor Controls—State-of-the-art controls include on-board diagnostics and seven standard Safeties including fault lock-out, loss of charge, refrigerant sensing freeze protection and time delay functions protect the unit and the compressor

Quiet Operation— Double compressor mounting system and compressor compartment insulation minimize operating noise

Scroll Compressor— Dependable design is proven efficient and quiet

System Performance Monitoring— Signals when it’s time for the filter to be changed and also when the system is not running at peak performance so maintenance can be scheduled

Easy Service Access— All components can be accessed through a front panel for maintenance and service; side panel can also be opened

  • Wide range of HVAC and industrial applications, especially suited for radiant floor installations
  • Capable of ground water, ground loop and boiler tower applications
  • Exceeds ASHRAE 90.1 efficiencies
  • As reverse cycle heat pump, it can provide hot and chilled water including domestic hot water
  • Microprocessor control provides lock-out and time delay functions
  • Scroll compressor with quiet operation
  • System performance monitoring for maintenance scheduling
  • Easy access with three removable panels for service
Volts: 208/230-1-60; Hot Water Generator Option: Y; Water Loop Heat Pump Cooling BtuH 86°F EWT: 52,800; Water Loop Heat Pump EER: 14.3; Water Loop Heat Pump Heating BtuH 68°F EWT: 72,700; Water Loop Heat Pump COP: 4.7; Ground Water Heat Pump - Cooling BtuH 59°F EWT: 56,600; Ground Water Heat Pump - EER: 20.3; Ground Water Heat Pump - Heating BtuH 50°F EWT: 60,300; Ground Water Heat Pump - COP: 4.0

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