or 4 pipe fan coils, 24-volt power, 3 speed fan operation,
single or dual setpoint, continuously lit thermo-glow display,
heating and cooling color changing indicator light, 1 degree
accuracy, keypad lock, dry contact with normally open or
closed option, outside air temp display option, display
blanking feature, auto change-over, included optional Exact
fit locking cover with tamper proof screws and keyed access,
35°F-99°F temperature setting range, adjustable
deadband between 1°F and 6°F, 1-year limited warranty.
If your fan coils does not have low voltage terminals, you
need to use relays, or use Carrier's fan coil relay control
as 33CSSN2-FC , but features 7 day programming with
4 periods per day. If your fan coils does not have low voltage
terminals, you need to use relays, or use Carrier's fan
coil relay control board
rs for remote sensor
R for power 24+
G for low fan
Y1 for water valve
G3 for high fan
W1 for electric heat
G2 for med fan
C for common 24-
H2O for auto change over water temp sensor
CK1 for dry contact for energy management1-year limited